Friday 23 October 2015

10th Posting

Study Hard vs Study Smart

   Study Hard:

Study hard can train a student having self-discipline. A student has to learn to manage his time and arrange his life. This is a basic fundamental life skill, and it is even more important than the ability relate to a future job. It is because self-discipline takes time to build.For example, my sister studied hard when she was in college. Even though her roommates and friends go out for fun often, and seldom study, she still make her time to sit in front of the desk to study. She felt hard that time because study hard and study alone is not easy for her. But in the end, she has learned to discipline herself and now work in a good company.

   Study Smart:

For many college students, studying means holing up in your room or library the night before a test and pulling an all nighter to cram previously unseen course material. All too often, students arrive at test ill prepared, over tired, and over caffeinated, running primarily on a combination of anxiety and sugar. Surprisingly, this is not the recipe for college success. Overdoing it on alcohol, caffeine, or carbohydrate can also make our brain sluggish and less able to absorb new information. Luckily, despite what we may think, it is possible to work"brain food" into a college budget diet. However, while getting plenty of sleep and eating brain food can help you learn more easily, lifestyle changes won't necessary result in good grades without the study skills to back them up.


Thursday 22 October 2015

9th Posting

 My Parents Have To Be Proud of me

    I want to talk about my involvement in secondary school. When I form1, prefect teacher are invited me to join prefect. They interview me and satisfied my appearance .
I learn from the senior how to be a discipline people also how to control student behavior. In form2, I got two award in Anugerah Hal Ehwal Pelajar & Kokurikulum. First award I have is Anugerah Sahsiah Terpuji and second is Anugerah Penolong Ketua Pelajar. Went I form3, I need to focus in my class because I have to take PMR and I got 4A3B1D. My mother is really happy and I always remember went she is crying not because she sad but she really2 happy. My mother hug me and kiss me with her tears.  I will never forget that moment. After that, went I form5, I was given the responsibility to be the head prefect. Before that, within two years of the current form4 and form5, I have attend a trait that can train me to become an effective leader and respected. In the end of the year before SPM, I have awarded a Anugerah Ketua Pelajar Cemerlang. Went I show to my parents, they very happy and proud of me.

8th Posting

I Have To Finish My Diploma in IT

  7 JULY 2015, I had registered at Kolej Poly Tech MARA Alor Setar. I choose Alor Setar in my first selection because I want to live independent and try to learn about other states. I also have cousin that live at Kodiang,Kedah.Thats why my family trust me to study at Kedah and can eye on me. I have to get a good result in my final exam if I want to graduate my Diploma without repeated. This is because I want to appreciate my parents who are sacrificed so much for the money thats I can spend every day. If I got a good pointer I want to study at oversee with fully sponsored by MARA.   Other than that, I can realize my ambition that I want to be a teacher in ICT subject.

7th Posting


This are some of my classmates :-)

      There are many valuable things in life, but friendship may be one of the most important. To live without the experience of friendship, is life without living. Human interaction is a necessity to survival, but developed friendship are essential to the successful well being of anyone. I have a friend's. We enjoyed being together. We shared all our secrets. We talked about everything that bothered us and we together worked out a way to solve our problems. I believe that, to have a friend I must be a friend. Friend s should support each other at all time. When a friend is in need, you are waiting for him as he would be waiting for me.

6th Posting

Prominent Figure in IT World

For prominent figure I would like to chose:

    Dotcoms, bloggers and Google all have one man to thank for their place in the 21st century world In 1990, Tim Berners-Lee made the imaginative leap to combine the inter with the hypertext concept, and the web was born. While at Oxford, he was caught hacking with a friend and was subsequently banned from using the university computer.He worked at Plessey Telecommunications from 1976 as a programmer and in 1980 began working as an independent contractor at the European nuclear research centre Cern.

    In December 1989, Berners-Lee proposed a project based on the concept of hypertext, to facilitate sharing and updating information among researcher s. While there, he built a prototype system called Enquire.

    In 1994, Berners-Lee founded the World Wide Web Consortium(W3C) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It comprised various companies willing to create standard and recommendations to improve the quality of the web. Berners -Lee made his ideas available freely, with no patent and no royalties due. He is now the director of W3C, a senior researcher at MIT's CSail, and professor of computer science at Southampton University.

5th Posting

My Idea Of Success

  My idea of success, or the secret of life is to do our best now. When we libe by this rule, we guarantee a happy past and a successful future. But the trick is to remain in the present. Instead of dreaming about the past anf the future , create them by doing your best now. I do not dream of a profitable job in an office, of expensive cars, luxurious restaurant or brilliant shirt. I dream a job in a place where I have freedom to express my ideas and develop then without feeling like a slave under the will of a greedy boos. I need a salary not too high but enough to make a moderate living. Thats why I need to be success in my study and got a good result to make my parents happy and to make my successful future. But what I regard as the most important feature of success is to have friends, to be good and accommodation. I can learn from other s thing which will help me form a broader view on the world and make me realize my opinion is not the only one.

4th Posting

               I LOVE MY MOM & DAD!

   Everyone have a love and know to share that love.It is not only love your friend, girlfriend or boyfriend.The most important thing is went you give your love to your parents.It is the most beautiful moment went you can share your problem to your parents.Loving your parents is more better than loving your gf or bf.

    Life without parental support can be a disaster. My parents are one of the most amazing people you can find around the world for all the sacrifices they had made for me. I have great parents, and I still live with them. They help me with every step of my life. They never turned me down or made excuses about it. They are sweet and lovely. They love me and they would give their life for me. I thank to Allah that gave me such a great gift.

                       ( this is my parents)

3td Posting

Song I love it

I love this song because it tells us about the sacrifice of a mother who kept her from birth until adulthood and achieve success. I love it because it reminds us for always making our mother as the first in our hearts and in our prayers.In our rush to make a living in this world, do not we forget the sacrifice our mother who struggled to raise us.

Wednesday 21 October 2015

2nd Posting

How do I see Myself In 20 years From Now..

I know who I am now, but what will be tomorrow, or the day after that? Will I make the right choices, succeed  in my endeavors, and accomplished my goals? Only time will tell, but in 20 years I see practicality a brand new me, I see me with a wife, children, and a good profession, I will have a close relationship with my family and my wife family and have some of the some of the same friends and some new ones.

In 20 years I will be married to the perfect girl. She will make our family a lot of affection and she will care my food everyday. I would have already graduate d college and been well into my secondary education career as a school ICT teacher. When I was a student, I would look at my teacher as I was sitting at my desk, and I thought to myself that one day I would be standing where my teacher was. Not only are teachers necessary, but they are some of the most important people in the world.

I also greatly enjoy the subject of ICT, and I like to know a new technology and I would try to discover how do they do it. Lastly, I have a strong passion for helping others and I think that teaching someone something new is one of the wonderful thing. In 20 years, I will be living a life that will be perfect for me. I will stay close to my family because they are important to me. I will always have my friend to fall back on.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

1st Posting

My first week at KPTMAS

 Its funny for me to remember the first week I entered in KPTM alor star. Im actually not informed to bring the clothes and my equipment to stay at the hostel that day.They tell me to entering the class after that day.Its really sad because suddenly need split with my family.The more depressing is went I must break fasting alone and without my family.After that day,I need go to the class with a cloth I buy at Alor Star Mall in the same day I registered.Its almost 8.00a.m and my first class is Proficiency English at 8.50a.m.In my first day I thought my class at Mergong so I do not take the bus at 8.15a.m.Im walking from hostel to campus alone.Went I arrived I sit and take a rest.I look at my watch and its and its 8.30a.m.Its 20 minutes before my class so I just watching television pending my class.Im waiting and waiting and its getting weird because its to long waiting the time with my watch,so I look the time in my phone and went I see it is almost 9.00 a.m and I really shocking so I look my watch its actually not working and its stop at 8.35 a.m. I rushed to find the class and try asking some student and he said the class room is at campus Suka Menanti and not in Mergong.Without westing my time I call Miss Emylda who is leading my course and tell her  about my mistake and she let me to postpone my class.I bogged down and don't know what to do . Suddenly my warden came to me and I tell him about my problem.He tell me to wait and he telling to the bus driver that has stopped at Mergong to take me and send me to Suka Menanti.I am very grateful because have someone that has help me and I safely arrive. I immediately ask the some students my room class.I got it and waiting from outside because I scared that I come in the wrong class.Im waiting and suddenly come a lecture for the next class.Im follow her and introduce to class.

Friday 16 October 2015


Assalamualaikum , and helo to the reader.Welcome to my blog and thanks for your time to explore my blog.Beforthat, I will introduce about my self.My name is MUHAMMAD ASHRAFF Bin AYUB.I am 18 years old in 2015. I'm from Klang , Selangor but I studies at Kolej Poly-Tech MARA,Alor Setar,Kedah in course Diploma in Information Technology for 3 years and 6 semester.
Thats all about my self and I hope you will enjoy my blog.
Sorry if my english word and language is not good.
